Sweet Adelines International Celebrates 70 Years of Barbershop A Cappella Harmony in Las Vegas Style
Tulsa, , United States
(IBwire.com -
September 14, 2015) Sweet Adelines International will celebrate its 70th anniversary during the 2015 International Convention and Competition at the world-famous MGM Grand Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, October 5-10.
In addition to performances by the best female barbershop a cappella choruses and quartets in the world, the week’s festivities include amazing education sessions, shopping and tours. Attendees will also celebrate the organization’s 70-year milestone with a star-studded Birthday Bash.
Single-event ticket prices range from $23 for students to $58 for adults. Single-event tickets cannot be mailed but may be picked up at Will Call in Las Vegas during set hours (which can be viewed on the convention schedule). For further ticket information, please contact Tracy Shoghi, event coordinator, at (918) 388-8037 or tracyshoghi@sweetadelineintl.org. For information on all things convention, including registration, housing and more, visit sweetadelineintl.org and click the convention and competition link.
Sweet Adelines International is one of the world’s largest singing organizations for women, with membership of almost 23,000 and choruses and quartets across the globe. Its members have been singing four-part a cappella harmony since 1945. Sweet Adelines International is committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, competition and performance.
Tena Wooldridge
Sweet Adelines International
Tulsa, , OK
Phone: 918-622-1444
Website: www.sweetadelineintl.org

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