Xclaimed Ministries Provides Free Toys, Bicycles and Home-Goods
Xclaimed Ministries provided free cooked meals, toys and home-goods to over 420 people at their final concert of the summer. (09/25/2013 09:04 AM)
Online Caregiver Support Network Launches Crowdfunding Campaign: Giving Caregivers the Space They Need
On June 28, The Caregiver Space launched a crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo to raise funds to expand their free, online support space for caregivers. (07/04/2013 09:57 AM)

comCables’ 11th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Raises Record Amount for Sun Valley Youth Center
comCables, a Denver-based structured cabling manufacturer, raised more than $26,000 for the inner-city youth non-profit organization, the Sun Valley Youth Center. (06/28/2013 10:18 AM)
Mortgage Bank Puts $5,000 Towards Disadvantaged High School Students in Orange Unified School District
Broadview Mortgage Orange is contributing $5,000 to benefit Orange Unified School District high school students who have overcome hardships to stay in school. (04/25/2013 08:32 AM)

Beverly Bond Headlines Jon Quick Select's 4th Annual Beauty and the Beat: Heroines of Excellence Awards
Jon Quick Select honors 7 oustanding rising female stars of color in another star studded edition of Beauty and the Beat: Heroines of Excellence Awards, the ultimate fundraising party. (03/13/2013 08:14 AM)

Google and YouTube Have Approved Xclaimed Ministries for Live Streaming
Google and YouTube approved Xclaimed Ministries for live streaming on the YouTube.com/Xclaimedministries Channel and many other benefits to help increase their efforts. (02/26/2013 09:55 AM)

MyMaryland.net Announces Beta Launch, Engaging Maryland Voters with Elected Officials
A new website designed to connect Maryland voters with elected officials in an online town hall will host its public beta launch January 30. (01/30/2013 07:55 AM)

Missouri Baptist Relief Needs College Student Volunteers
The first of four opportunities this year to become a trained disaster relief (DR) volunteer is fast approaching. Hannibal-LaGrange University will host the training . (01/25/2013 10:04 AM)
Forest of Angels, Inc. Distributed $8750.00 to Local Charities
Forest of Angels is a community organization that partnered with businesses to raise money for well-known charities. (01/19/2013 09:30 AM)

Few Hours Left for Charitable Tax Deductions According to Watson CPA Group
Today is the last day to make donations to charities and churches that qualify for a deduction on 2012 tax returns. (12/31/2012 08:12 AM)