Asia Plantation Capital Announces Important Joint Venture in Thailand
Following today’s meeting with K. Pipat an agreement has been reached on the development of the JV between Asia Plantation Capital & K. Pipat families. (11/08/2013 15:16 PM)
GDN Releases Research Papers, Policy Briefs & Documentaries That Take a Fresh Look at Agricultural Policies in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
The GDN project, Supporting Policy Research to Inform Agricultural Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, commissioned ten country research teams in 2011. (05/24/2013 07:52 AM)
MidAtlantic Farm Credit Announces Video Contest for 4-H, FFA, and Other Youth Agriculture Groups
4-H, FFA, and other youth agriculture groups can win up to $500 by entering the "Live. Laugh. Farm." video contest announced by MidAtlantic Farm Credit, a local agriculture lender. (02/25/2013 07:55 AM)
United Soils, Inc. to be featured in Upcoming Episode of American Farmer
United Soils, Inc. announced today that they will be featured on an upcoming episode of American Farmer, produced by DMG Productions. (01/05/2013 08:51 AM)

MapMuse Announces Release of 2012 Turkey Farms Locator
MapMuse announced the release of the 2012 Turkey Farms Locator, a free map-based web application that connects home chefs with specialty turkey breeders. (11/10/2012 10:14 AM)

Winter Garden Farmers Market Voted Top Medium-Sized Farmers Market in the US
Green Sky Growers is to be a part of Florida’s favorite and the top medium-sized farmers market in the US, as determined by a contest conducted by the American Farmland Trust. (09/19/2012 09:24 AM)

No One Told Arkansas Corn Crop There Was a Drought
United Country – Mason & Morse Farm Ranch Company Provides Insight Into State's Ag Market. (08/15/2012 06:59 AM)

Largest Contiguous Tract of North Carolina Land Available for Sale to Public
Investor interest in farmland is continuing unabated, driven by agriculture’s strong fundamentals. (07/14/2012 11:29 AM)
Yulex Corp and Cooper Tire Receive $6.9 Million USDA Grant
Yulex Corporation announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) awarded the company and its consortium partners a $6.9 million grant. (07/11/2012 08:30 AM)

MidAtlantic Farm Credit Announces Calendar Photo Contest
MidAtlantic Farm Credit has announced it is sponsoring a calendar photo contest. The contest is open for submissions now and runs through August 17, 2012. (06/25/2012 09:50 AM)